Theatre Artists! Are You Ready To Transform Your Social Media?

Launch In 2 Weeks Using Artist Marketing Lab's Successful Program

It's time to go from invisible to unmissable online.

Artists Who Have Mastered Social Media In The Lab

Check out these results!

“I have worked with few people in my professional life who are as genuinely passionate about the advancement of live theatre as Julie Nemitz.

In every measurable way, her work delivered exceedingly positive outcomes because she understands how to engage audiences in unique, creative ways, and, perhaps more importantly, is constantly evolving her approach to effectively adjust to the seemingly ever-changing circumstances of both online and legacy marketing.

If you want to increase your online engagement, improve your outreach, and sell more, consider working with Julie. You won’t regret it. ”


“Because of Julie, I have realized my true desire has focused in on ideas that revolve around knowledge and spreading knowledge. I want to find alternative avenues of teaching in my social media. I don’t think I would have come to this conclusion as quickly as I have without Julie’s expertise. ”


“Julie is in her genius when she is doing digital marketing, helping people like me get into the virtual world with intention, clarity, and a dramatically better chance for success!”


Theatre Artists: Playwrights, Composers, Directors, Actors, Designers, Producers! This Program Is For You If...

  • You're New To Social Media

    You've been reticent to learn social media to help your theatrical career but you know in your gut that you need to "be where the people are." The online world has NOT passed you by. This program will bring you up to speed!

  • You're Crying S.O.S.

    You sort of use social media to stay in touch with friends and family but when you try to approach it to help your career, you either have failed in the past or you freeze because you don't know where to start. This program will resuscitate you and show you the way!

  • You Do Social Pretty Well, But...

    You have no system or strategy or goal or plan. You just post what you're having for lunch or your latest outing to the theatre. All good but what's the point? In this program, you will learn the successful framework that Artist Marketing Lab students use to rock their social strategy. You can do it too!

Who Does The Content Compass Framework Work For?

In a word: you!

If you often feel frustrated with the challenges of using social media to grow awareness of yourself and your work, then The Complete Content Compass Framework is the right program to help you create impactful content that gets you noticed without spending hours on social media, being inauthentic, or getting bogged down in complicated tools or strategies not built for you – a theatre artist.

Our unique method is designed specifically for theatre artists who want to maintain their authenticity while effectively marketing themselves on social media.

By simplifying the content creation process and focusing on strategic, authentic posts, you can overcome the common obstacles of feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to present yourself online.

This program provides clear, easy-to-follow guidelines that will help you craft a social media presence that feels true to you and resonates with your audience.

You'll learn how to harness the power of social media to increase your visibility, create the right content and connect with people waiting to hire you, all while staying true to your artistic vision and goals.

No more feeling small, stuck or sidelined - it's time to take the spotlight in your career with confidence and authenticity!

Here's How You're Going To Get Your Own, Unique Social Media Plan Launched in 2 Weeks Using The Content Compass Framework

You can do this. 7 efficient, streamlined lessons. Taught by Julie Nemitz.

On-Demand Video Lessons | Workbooks and Worksheets | Done-For-You Templates

And included in the program, these FREE bonuses for you!

More resources and support to help you succeed.

  • 1-On-1 Consulting Session with Julie Nemitz

    $150 value

    Spend 30 minutes with Julie to review your existing social media, better understand your artistic goals, answer questions about the Compass Program to set you up for immediate success. (Available for a limited time.)

  • On-Demand Masterclass: Advanced Writing For Online Platforms

    $150 value

    Learn tactics and techniques to write better newsletters, blogs, emails and social content to keep marketing principles front-of-mind so you are delivering value to your readers while also encouraging them to take action. Includes a guidebook and template resources.

  • Access To Virtual Office Hours with Julie Nemitz

    73% Discount Offer

    Join Julie for 4 Virtual Office Hour sessions via Zoom! Bring your questions, roadblocks, show your work or benefit from the other artists who are sharing their journey and successes during weekly office hours! (You will access this one-time discount offer at checkout.)

Get Instant Enrollment Access Today

Go at your own speed! This program, if you were to work with Julie Nemitz one-on-one, would be valued at over $2,100! Right now, I'm offering it priced at just $147.00 for you.

Hi, I'm Julie Nemitz

I'm an Educator, Speaker and Marketing Consultant to Theatres and Artists Worldwide.

Julie Nemitz

Founder, Theatre Marketing Lab

Julie is an educator, speaker and founder of Theatre Marketing Lab -- a group coaching and consultancy that has successfully helped over 2,000 theatres grow audiences, awareness and affinity for their organizations.

In 2023, Julie launched Artist Marketing Lab where she works with theatre artists to develop their personal brand and marketing strategy using the latest digital marketing tactics that get them noticed, hired, and produced.

As a speaker and workshop facilitator, Julie has traveled throughout North America, speaking passionately and constructively about growing audiences for live theatre and creating more opportunities for women's voices to be heard and produced. She is also adjunct faculty at Western Michigan University teaching Arts Marketing to the next generation of theatre artists.

Yet More Theatre Artist Rockstars

Successfully implementing social media best practices!

“Julie's marketing skills are top-notch. I always come away from her courses with new strategies and tactics that have consistently grown our audiences.”


“Julie is extremely knowledgeable in the super-fast and ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and better yet, does a great job of transferring her knowledge to me.”


Patty's Story

From Unsure to Soaring

When Patty began as a student, she had great anxiety about her personal marketing - specifically around social media. She struggled with what to post, why she should be posting and how to post the right content at the right time while staying true to her authentic self and her artistic mission as a theatre artist while still desiring to have her work as an actor and budding writer receive more exposure. 

Patty also struggled with the right way to communicate her passionate mission to change the rigid industry standards around body types and casting practices. 

Then she met Julie Nemitz.

“I feel much more secure in myself as an individual and as an artist. I struggled with the idea of creating content to market myself. Having a solid brand and solid framework along with my new Centerpiece Content made that process feel less daunting.” 

Creating her unique social media marketing strategy together with Julie, Patty blossomed during the process. 

She found the confidence she lacked and built a strong foundation to succeed with her social media marketing content. 

She’s on a roll now!

In 2 weeks, you’ll have the framework built and your new content machine on full speed! You’ll have the skills and momentum to:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Just to take away every excuse your brain can come up with NOT to do this for yourself and your career...

I want to make this as simple and risk-free for you as possible...

So here’s my promise: I back everything in this program with a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you follow the steps laid out in the Complete Content Compass Framework Program, apply the techniques, and don't feel what you’ve learned is worth more than what you paid for the program…

Just send an email to our customer service team with a link to your completed work any time within the next 30 days, and we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Doesn't that sound fair? Let's make taking action a reality, risk-free!

Let's Get Started! What's Waiting For You In Artist Marketing Lab's Content Compass Framework Program

This program is self-paced. Go at your own speed. Valued at over $2,100! Only $147 for you for a limited time.

  • Streamlined and efficient 7-step strategy training! Learn via video instruction, workbook exercises and done-for-you templates to launch your own complete Content Compass Framework (Valued at $1,899)

  • A 1:1 Consultation Session With Julie Nemitz (Valued at $150) (Supply limited. When they're gone, they're gone!)

  • 1 Bonus On-Demand Advanced Writing For Digital Media Masterclass and Resource Guide (Valued at $150)

  • Lifetime Access (priceless!)

  • Shhh! There's a VIP Only Limited-Time-Offer coming up. Stay tuned.

Get Access To Instant Enrollment Today!

For only $147.00

Check Out These Results

Their social media is on fire!

“My biggest challenge was feeling like I'm the only person swinging blindly in the digital chasm. I'm not! Julie thanks for all you do!”


“I'm just so glad to be learning and growing my marketing skills. Now I'm getting it in manageable bite-size pieces at just the right time. So grateful. Thank you Julie!”


“I already loved watching people post about theater on my own For You Page, but now I really understand and can break down their marketing strategies for myself. For example, I now have a whole planned out content list of what I myself can post on my own TikTok. I now have a plan to start recording my own vlogs, covers of songs, and interactive Q&As with fellow theater nerds as a method of outbound marketing - all thanks to Julie. This will help me to connect with other artists, share my work, and cultivate a community with the people whose content I've only consumed thus far.”


Which One Are You?


Harness the power of the Complete Content Compass Framework to build a following that cherishes your work. If you're crafting plays but you're not reaching the right directors or theaters, our system can guide you to effectively showcase them on social media. You'll learn to create compelling content that highlights the depth and uniqueness of your work, attracting the attention of influential figures in the theater world as well as the audiences who will grow to be your most loyal fanbase. 


Use our system to craft a personal brand that stands out. Many actors get lost in the competitive entertainment industry because you don't manage to capture the unique essence of their talents on social media. The Complete Content Compass Framework teaches you the steps to stand out! Also learn to engage actively with your audience, create content that resonates with casting directors and producers (and what does NOT), increasing your visibility and opportunities for roles.


Implement the Complete Content Compass Framework to connect with fans and showcase your music more effectively. As a musician, it can be challenging to translate your musical vibe into social media content that captures the right audience. Our method helps you plan and execute engaging posts, use unique content strategies to feature your performances yes, but also all of who you are. You'll learn to interact authentically with your audience, and the program will help you identify your next great gig. And the one after that!


Leverage the Complete Content Compass Framework to showcase your vision and attract production opportunities. For directors, it's essential to not only demonstrate your ability to lead successful productions but also to pitch original projects effectively. Our Framework guides you in creating a compelling and unique strategy, using social media to highlight your work past present and future in your own authentic way that only you can express. 


✅ Simple Steps: We show you easy ways to make posts that people love. This means more people will see the work, your talents and remember you.

✅ Save Time: You'll learn to plan and create quickly so you don’t have to think about it every day. More time for making theatre!

✅ Be Real, Be Liked: We teach you how to show your true self on social media. When you’re real, more people like and trust you.

✅ Keep It Fun: We help you keep your social media active without getting tired or bored. This means you can have fun and still have people notice your art every day.

By using these easy steps, the Complete Content Compass Framework helps you use social media to show your art to more people and get them excited about you and your work!

The Complete Content Compass Framework is all about making it easier for artists like you to shine on social media. 

Still hesitating?

Here’s a bit more detail on how the system works and what it includes:

Structure and Schedule

This program helps you develop a structured posting schedule that matches your lifestyle. This means you don't have to stress about when to post. We'll work out a timetable that keeps your feed active and engaging without overwhelming you. The purpose is to make social media manageable so you can have more time to do what you love -- make theatre!

Create Impactful Content Using Our Proprietary Compass Framework

We focus on teaching you how to create content that makes an impact. This includes:

  • The Compass: A device that indicates direction - says Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. Our Framework helps you define your Four Cardinals and your Lodestar content to create a one-of-a-kind, uniquely you social media strategy that will empower all parts of you and your theatrical talents.

  •  Visual Storytelling: Learn how to share your artistic journey the right way through images and videos, which helps to draw in your audience and keep them engaged.

  • Emotional Connection: We'll show you how to write copy that connects emotionally, making your posts more relatable and shareable while keeping marketing fundamentals of encouraging our audience to take action.

  • Engagement Strategies: Techniques are learned for developing the content that encourages your followers to interact with you and vice versa: learn and how best to respond to them. 

  • Growth Monitoring: You'll learn how to grow your social media effectively.

  • Tracking Progress: We introduce simple tools for tracking the performance of your posts, helping you understand what works best.

  • Audience Outreach Strategies: Based on insights and goals, you'll learn how to adapt your strategy to continuously grow the right audiences at the right times.

Learn consistency! We know that consistent posting is key, but it shouldn't come at the cost of your creativity or personal life:

  • Content Batching: Techniques for creating multiple pieces of content at once, saving you time throughout the week.

  • Automation Tools: Recommendations for tools that can automate some of the posting processes, giving you more time to focus on creating, studying and performing theatre.

Artist Marketing Lab’s The Complete Content Compass Framework program is designed to demystify social media for theatre artists like you, providing you with clear, actionable steps to enhance your online presence, engage meaningfully with your audience, and ultimately, get your art the attention it deserves.

Artist Marketing Lab Rockstars

Some more theatre artists we've supported in the Lab this year.

Imagine Feeling In Control Of Your Social Media Marketing And Knowing How To Use It For Your Career Growth!

In 2 Weeks. With A System and Framework and Plan In Place.

If your dream is to turn your creative talents into a thriving career...and use social media the right way...

Embracing Artist Marketing Lab's Complete Content Compass Framework can transform that dream into reality, quickly. 

❌ Picture another year slipping by while you're still struggling to find your unique voice, drowning in a sea of copying what others are doing online without ever standing out.

❌ Imagine continuing to create social media without a strategic plan, watching potential job, collaborations and opportunities pass you by because your presence isn’t there.

❌ Think about the frustration of seeing others succeed and showcase their talents effectively, while you're stuck not even knowing which is the right social media platform to be on!

❌ And you can't afford to let your theatre career fade into just a hobby because you lacked the guidance to monetize and market yourself and your work effectively.

The person living their dream, recognized and rewarded for their creative talents should be YOU.

Let's shake off the uncertainty and the stagnation.

I'm here to guide you through making your creative identity distinct, your content compelling, and your digital presence profitable.

"Future You" can be thriving, respected, and actively working in the theatre-- and sharing it with the world.

Don't let another day go by without taking action towards the career you deserve.

Click the button below to start transforming your talents and sharing them with a bigger audience. 

Get Access To Enrollment Today.

Valued At Over $2,100. YOURS For Only $147.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly is The Complete Content Compass Framework program?

    This is a step-by-step online learning program designed to help you turn your creative talent and professional work into personal brand and communicate that across your chosen social media channels. It includes strategies for content creation, branding, and strategy tailored specifically to theatre artists.

  • I'm not tech-savvy. Can I still benefit from this course?

    Absolutely! This course is crafted to be user-friendly, regardless of your technical skills. Each step is broken down into simple, actionable tasks that you can follow easily.

  • How much time do I need to dedicate to see results?

    While individual results may vary, dedicating a few hours each day to apply the techniques taught in the course should start showing results within a month or two. The key is commitment and consistency! (Kind of like creating theatre, right?)

  • What if I don't have a large following online?

    No problem at all! This program is designed to help you better understand your audience from the ground up. You'll learn the basics of how to attract and engage a loyal following that resonates with your content and importantly, what you need from them – a job, a reading, an audition, an interview. You name it.

  • Is there a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied?

    Yes, there's a 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you don't see the value after completing all of the program work and applying the methods, you can request a full refund within this period.

  • Can I still benefit from this course if I'm already on social media?

    Of course! And by the way, how’s that going? The Complete Content Compass Framework can provide you with advanced strategies to enhance your existing efforts and increase your results in, I am willing to guess, less time.

  • Do I need to invest in any additional tools or software?

    The primary focus is on leveraging free tools and platforms. However, we will suggest a few optional paid tools that can further enhance your results such as Canva Pro.

  • What if I have technical difficulties?

    Purchasing the program gives you access to customer support where you can get help if you encounter any technical difficulties accessing content.

  • How quickly can I start applying what I learn in the program?

    You can start implementing the strategies as soon as you go through the first lesson! Each section is designed to be actionable immediately. Get started today! Click below to enroll.

Enroll Today

And I'll be right there with you, every step of the way as you learn and implement Artist Marketing Lab's Content Compass Framework. Let's do this! -- Julie Nemitz